Alternating antenatal care

Antenatal checkups can be done by the midwife, by the gynaecologist or alternating by both. According to the maternity guidelines three ultrasounds are recommended. Those are done between the 9th and 12th, the 19th and 22nd and between 29th and 32nd week of pregnancy. Ultrasound can only be done by the gynaecologist. The normal checkups including blood tests, swab to check for B-Streptokokken and making out the Mutterpass can be done by the midwife

A significant difference between the doctor and the midwife is that the woman can stay at home as I come to her place, even for blood tests. You’ll feel well at home without spending time in the waiting room and you’ll profit by the sufficient time that we have for our appointments to discuss the results and to answer your questions.

Birth preparation classes

The aim of a birth preparation class is to inform you, to answer your questions and take your fears. The exchange with other pregnant women and me is supposed to impart knowledge and safety to you.

The small number of participants enables a personal atmosphere in which the pregnant women and their partner can quickly trust each other. It is not uncommon to develop friendships during the time of the class.

There are both continuous courses and intensive courses on weekends, they last for a maximum of 14 hours. You can either attend a women-only course, a couple-only course, or one in which the women are among themselves the first appointments and the men are only invited on the last evenings.

Examples of the topics are:  

  • the choice of place of birth
  • the different phases of the natural birth
  • the anatomy of the female pelvis and the birth canal
  • risk-births, for example cesarean section
  • contractions and how to deal with them
  • breathing and relaxation exercises
  • medications for pain release and alternative options
  • birthing positions
  • postnatal period and involution of uterus and pelvic floor
  • breastfeeding
  • interaction with a baby and hygiene

It is ideally recommended to start the course between the 28th and 30th week of pregnancy to ensure that the course will be completed even if your baby is born premature. Registrations should be made by the 24th week of pregnancy at the latest.

The fees for you are covered by the medical insurance, a partner fee is often partly covered and partly has to be paid by yourself. Either you attend a course in a midwife practice or in the hospital or birthing centre where you want to give birth to your child.

Right now I’m not giving any classes, but it might change if there is enough

english speaking women asking for one.

German Maternity Guidelines
Giving birth, but where?
Health insurances
Maternity protection
Parental allowence & parental leave
Postnatal exercise classes